Dit is de line-up van de 2018 editie.
Bekijk hier de line-up van Rock Werchter 2024 of kijk in ons archief voor nog oudere edities.
De line-up is compleet
Dit zijn alle 96 namen van Rock Werchter 2018. Zoek hieronder je favoriete artiesten op, vink ze aan als favoriet en bouw zo je eigen schema op!
- Air
Traffic - Albert
Hammond Jr - Alice
In Chains - Anderson
.paak & The Free Nationals - Angèle
- Angus
& Julia Stone - Anne-marie
- Arctic
Monkeys - Arsenal
- At
The Drive In - Ben
Howard - Black
Rebel Motorcycle Club - Blackwave.
- Chvrches
- Courteeners
- Craig
David Presents Ts5 - Curtis
Harding - David
Byrne - Dermot
Kennedy - Durand
Jones And The Indications - Eels
- Emma
Bale - Equal
Idiots - Faces
On Tv - Fever
Ray - First
Aid Kit - Fleet
Foxes - Flight
Facilities - Franz
Ferdinand - Gang
Of Youths - George
Ezra - Glints
- Gorillaz
- Iamddb
- Idles
- Isaac
Gracie - Jack
Johnson - Jack
White - Jade
Bird - James
Bay - Jorja
Smith - Jp
Cooper - Kaleo
- Kali
Uchis - Keir
- Khalid
- Little
Simz - London
Grammar - Marshmello
- Mgmt
- Millionaire
- Naaz
- Nao
- Nick
Cave And The Bad Seeds - Nine
Inch Nails - Noel
Gallagher's High Flying Birds - Novastar
- Otzeki
- Pale
Waves - Parov
Stelar - Pearl
Jam - Petit
Biscuit - Post
Malone - Pvris
- Queens
Of The Stone Age - Rae
Sremmurd - Rival
Sons - Roméo
Elvis X Le Motel - Rone
- Russ
- Sam
Fender - Sevn
Alias - Sigrid
- Snow
Patrol - Sons
- Stereophonics
- Steven
Wilson - Stikstof
- Stone
Sour - The
Academic - The
Amazons - The
Breeders - The
Killers - The
Kooks - The
Last Internationale - The
Magic Gang - The
Script - The
Vaccines - The
White Buffalo - Todiefor
- Tom
Grennan - Tom
Walker - Triggerfinger
- Vince
Staples - Walking
On Cars - Wolf