De line-up is compleet
Dit zijn alle 140 namen van Graspop 2025. Zoek hieronder je favoriete artiesten op, vink ze aan als favoriet en bouw zo je eigen schema op!
- Airbourne
- Alcest
- Alestorm
- Alien
Ant Farm - Amenra
- Amira
Elfeky - Angelus
Apatrida - Apocalyptica
- As
Everything Unfolds - Aviva
- Bad
Wolves - Beast
In Black - Behemoth
- Beyond
The Black - Blood
Incantation - Bloodhunter
- British
Lion - Brutus
- Bullet
For My Valentine - Carcass
- Cattle
Decapitation - Charlotte
Wessels - Creeper
- Crossfaith
- Currents
- Dayseeker
- Dead
Poet Society - Deafhaven
- Deafheaven
- Death
Angel - Dethklok
- Dirty
Honey - Dødheimsgard
- DragonForce
- Dream
Theater - Eagles
Of Death Metal - Eisbrecher
- Employed
to Serve - Epica
- Falling
In Reverse - Filter
- Fit
For An Autopsy - Fleshwater
- Flogging
Molly - From
Ashes To New - Gloryhammer
- Grandson
- Green
Lung - Halocene
- Hardy
- Hatebreed
- Heaven
Shall Burn - Hot
Milk - House
Of Protection - Imminence
- In
Flames - Iron
Maiden - Jerry
Cantrell - Jinjer
- Judas
Priest - Julie
Christmas - Katatonia
- Kim
Dracula - King
Diamond - Kittie
- Knocked
Loose - Korn
- Krokus
- Lagwagon
- Landmvrks
- Last
Train - Lorna
Shore - Mass
Hysteria - Massacre
- Me
First & The Gimme Gimmes - Motionless
In White - Municipal
Waste - Myles
Kennedy - Nine
Inch Nails - Northlane
- Nothing
More - Nova
Twins - Novelists
- Oomph!
- Opeth
- Orange
Goblin - Orbit
Culture - Paleface
Swiss - Paradise
Lost - Perturbator
- Peyton
Parrish - Polaris
- Poppy
- Power
Trip - Powerwolf
- Primordial
- Psychonaut
- Rise
Of The Northstar - Sacred
Reich - Savatage
- Self
Deception - Seven
Hours After Violet - Signs
of the Swarm - SiM
- Skillet
- Skindred
- Slipknot
- Smash
Into Pieces - Soen
- Soulfly
- Spectral
Wound - Speed
- Spiritbox
- Starset
- Static
Dress - Stick
To Your Guns - Stray
From The Path - Sun
Dont Shine - Sylosis
- Terror
- The
Dead Daisies - The
Ghost Inside - The
Hu - The
Raven Age - The
Warning - Thrice
- Till
Lindemann - Trash
Boat - Tremonti
- Triptykon
- Ugly
Kid Joe - Unprocessed
- Unto
Others - Vandenberg
- Villagers
Of Ioannina City - Vowws
- Warkings
- Whitechapel
- Windhand
- Yellowcard