At the core of YEREYERE are our values: diversity, open-mindedness, an adventurous spirit, boundless creativity, and community building. Our mission is to foster a tight-knit and diverse community within the electronic music scene.
Our sound Genrefluid, encompassing the wide spectrum of electronic music. We cherish artists' creative freedom, providing them with the space to explore without boundaries.
Inspired by the limitless possibilities of electronic music and fueled by our shared passion, YEREYERE is dedicated to continuously pushing the boundaries of creativity and diversity. Join us in our journey as we evolve and thrive together, shaping the future of electronic music culture.Dit is de line-up van de 2024 editie en die is al geweest.
De line-up is compleet
Dit zijn alle 88 namen van Boring Festival 2024. Zoek hieronder je favoriete artiesten op, vink ze aan als favoriet en bouw zo je eigen schema op!
Bekijk het Boring Festival 2024 programma per locatie.
Teylers Museum | Pieter Teylers Huis, Vishal | Fontein Grote Markt, Vishal | Muur, Vishal | Grote Zaal, Vishal | Kleine Zaal, PHIL | PHIL Café, PHIL | Grote Zaal, PHIL | Foyer, Patronaat | Stage 1, Patronaat | Stage 2, Patronaat | Club 3, Schuur | Bovenzaal, Schuur | Benedenzaal, Schuur | Schuurcafé, Schuur | Filmzaal 1, Teylers Museum | Museumcafe, Teylers Museum | Gehoorzaal, Teylers Museum | Filmzaal, Janskerk NHA, Museum van de Geest, Frans Hals Museum Hal en Bibliotheek | Doelenzaal.
Programma vrijdag 26 januari 2024
Programma zaterdag 27 januari 2024