Dit is de line-up van de 2014 editie.
Bekijk hier de line-up van Best Kept Secret 2025 of kijk in ons archief voor nog oudere edities.
De line-up is compleet
Dit zijn alle 88 namen van Best Kept Secret 2014. Zoek hieronder je favoriete artiesten op, vink ze aan als favoriet en bouw zo je eigen schema op!
- Afterpartees
- Amatorski
- Angus
& Julia Stone - Archie
Bronson Outfit - Babyshambles
- Ballet
School - Belle
& Sebastian - Birth
Of Joy - Bombay
Show Pig - Breton
- Broken
Twin - Caribou
- Catfish
And The Bottlemen - Childhood
- Chvrches
- Circa
Waves - Connan
Mockasin - Cosmonauts
- Daryll-ann
- David
Douglas - De
Lux - Deap
Valley - Eaux
- Elbow
- Elephant
Stone - Falco
Benz - Fat
White Family - Forest
Swords - Franz
Ferdinand - Fucked
Up - George
Ezra - Girl
Band - Heavy
Times - Honeyblood
- Hosted
By St Paul - I
Am Oak - Interpol
- Jaakko
Eino Kalevi - James
Blake - Jessy
Lanza - Labyrinth
Ear - Larry
Gus - Lykke
Li - Lyla
Foy - Maydien
- Metronomy
- Midlake
- Miles
Kane - Moddi
- Mogwai
- Moss
- Night
Beats - Nils
Frahm - Odissee
- Peter
Matthew Bauer - Pink
Mountaintops - Pins
- Pional
(live) - Pixies
- Radkey
- Rats
On Rafts - Roosevelt
- Ry
X - Samaris
- School
Is Cool - September
Girls - Slowdive
- Star
Slinger - Telegram
- The
1975 - The
Bots - The
Horrors - The
Notwist - The
Preatures - The
War On Drugs - The
Wytches - Thumpers
- Tijuana
Panthers - To
Kill A King - Together
Pangea - Tokimonsta
- Tomas
Barfod - Traams
- Truck
Fighters - Trust
- Wild
Beasts - Woman's
Hour - Young