Dit is de line-up van de 2013 editie.
Bekijk hier de line-up van Pukkelpop 2018 of kijk in ons archief voor nog oudere edities.
De line-up is compleet
Dit zijn alle 205 namen van Pukkelpop 2013. Zoek hieronder je favoriete artiesten op, vink ze aan als favoriet en bouw zo je eigen schema op!
- A-trak
- A.n.d.y.
- Alabama
Shakes - Alkaline
Trio - Allah-las
- Alunageorge
- Amenra
- Andy
Burrows - Animal-music
- Araabmuzik
- Architects
- Baauer
- Badbadnotgood
- Baloji
- Bat
For Lashes - Ben
Pearce - Bingo
Players - Bombino
- Bonobo
- Bosnian
Rainbows - Boys
Noize (dj Set) - Breakbot
- Brns
- Caliban
- Cerebral
Ballzy - Charli
Xcx - Chase
& Status Live - Chk
Chk Chk - Chuck
Ragan - Chvrches
- Clock
Opera - Cloud
Boat - Compact
Disk Dummies - Crystal
Castles - Crystal
Fighters - Cult
Of Luna - Danny
Brown - Dans
Dans - Daughter
- Deap
Vally - Deftones
- Delv!s
- Dez
Mona - Dillon
Francis - Dismantle
- Dj
Fresh (live) - Dj
Green Lantern - Doctor
P - Don
Broco - Dope
D.o.d. - Duck
Sauce - Duke
Dumont - Eels
- Eminem
- Erol
Alkan - Factory
Floor - Fall
Out Boy - Few
Bits - Filter
- Float
Fall - Flosstradamus
- Foals
- Foreign
Beggars - Frank
Turner & The Sleeping Souls - Franz
Ferdinand - Friction
- Frightened
Rabbit - Fucked
Up - Fun.
- Girls
In Hawaii - Glen
Hansard - Godspeed
You! Black Emperor - Gojira
- Goose
- Gorgon
City - Gruppo
Di Pawlowski - Haim
- Hawk
Eyes - Hazard
- Holy
Other - Homer
- Hurts
- I
Am Kloot - Imagine
Dragons - In
The Valley Below - Jagwar
Ma - James
Blake - Jamie
Xx - Johnny
Borrell & Zazou - Johnny
Marr - Julio
Bashmore - Just
Blaze - Kate
Boy - Katy
B - Kendrick
Lamar - Killswitch
Engage - Klangkarussell
- Knife
Party - Kodaline
- Lamb
Of God - Little
Green Cars - Local
Natives - Lord
Huron - Low
- Lowell
- Lucy
Rose - Mac
Miller - Major
Lazer - Mala
In Cuba - Mark
Ronson Dj Set - Maya
Jane Coles - Merchandise
- Meuris
- Michael
Midnight - Midlake
- Mikal
Cronin - Miles
Kane - Mintzkov
- Mosca
- Mount
Kimbie - Mr
Oizo - Ms
Mr - Nadiem
Shah - Naughty
Boy - Nero
- Nina
Nesbit - Nine
Inch Nails - Noah
And The Whale - Noisettes
- Noisia
- Oathbreaker
- Oneman
- Opeth
- Palm
Reader - Parquet
Courts - Paul
Kalkbrenner - Phosphorescent
- Pokey
Lafarge - Polaroid
Fiction - Poliça
- Pomrad
- Proxy
- Psycho
44 - Puggy
- Quicksand
- Raketkanon
- Redlight
- Regina
Spektor - Rhinos
Are People Too - Rl
Grime - Robert
Delong - Rone
Presents Module - Rudimental
Dj Set - S
O H N - Safi
& Spreej - San
Cisco - Savages
- Sbtrkt
Dj Set - School
Is Cool - Sir
Yes Sir - Skaters
- Skunk
Anansie - Slow
Magic - Soldier's
Heart - Spoil
Engine - Steak
Number Eight - Superpoze
- Surfer
Blood - Sylosis
- Tc
- The
Black Heart Rebellion - The
Bronx - The
Family Rain - The
Happy - The
Haxan Cloak - The
Knife - The
Magician - The
Menzingers - The
Mixfitz - The
Oddword - The
Opposites - The
Parov Stellar Band - The
Prodigy - The
Sedan Vault - The
Soft Moon - The
Whatevers - The
Xx - Tlp
- Tnght
(hudson Mohawke X Lunice) - Toddla
T Sound - Totally
Enormous Extinct Dinousaurs - Tout
Va Bien - Triggerfinger
- Twenty
One Pilots - Unknown
Mortal Orchestra - Villagers
- Vuurwerk
- Waka
Flocka Flame - We
Came As Romans - While
She Sleeps - Wilkinson
- Yellow
Claw - Your
Demise - Zebrahead
- Zeds